What is Happening with the Desktop Software?

We are still working on the new major versions of the desktop software. The process is slow because we decided to completely rework all the software products from scratch.

All our desktop software products use our own back-end libraries in C and C++ that have been built over many years starting from 1995 (even before the Company was founded).

We were tasked with building and testing all core code from scratch in a different language and using a framework that had just launched (Tauri). As development progressed, it became evident that we had massively underestimated the scope of the project. The good news is we have been able to work through most of it and are well on the way to the first practical product.

In conclusion, you can expect to see new major versions beginning to come out in the next few months. We will soon be revamping the site at domainpunch.com. We will also move the existing desktop products under a ‘Legacy Products’ heading.